Accords stratégiques de distribution et de Co-branding conclus par Odontella pour la commercialisation de son produit vegan Solmon ®
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Altair Avocats (Christophe Hery) a conseillé Odontella lors de la négociation, avec deux acteurs majeurs européens, de ses accords stratégiques de distribution pour sécuriser plusieurs millions d’euros de commandes et organiser la commercialisation en co-branding.
Odontella est une société innovante créant et développant la première gamme agroalimentaire de produits développée à partir de la microalgues et algues marines.
Press Release : Signature of two major contracts for several million euros for marketing its Solmon.
ODONTELLA SAS pioneer in fish seafood and crustacean substitute, is the very first business to develop food products based on microalgae and marine algae.
ODONTELLA SAS declares it has signed 2 contracts with major distributers in Vegan food for several million euros.
After a remarkable start in France with the launch of its Solmon in 2018, ODONTELLA achieved further success, this time, in Europe with the signature, in 2019 and in 2020, with two majors partners involving sales distribution in more than 24 countries in retail brand and Co-Branding. The company has orders to deliver a minimum of 500 000 Solmon from today until December 2020.
At the same time ODONTELLA is following the development of new products based on its patent portfolio containing 7 patent families. These new products will be presented on the market via its partners from 2021.
Concerning the flexitarian food market :
ODONTELLA serves the Vegan product market which in Europe represents a market of several billion euros in constant progression for several years.
It’s estimated that Vegans represent 3% of the French population whilst the flexitarians (who reduce their consummation of meat) represent nearly 30% of the population.
Sales of vegetarian and vegan products generated in 2018 a rising turnover of 24% in large and medium French sales distribution and should reach 600 million euros for France in 2021.
Sales of protein substitute progress to a world level of 6.4% each year since 2015 and should reach nearly 5 billion euros in 2020 with more than 60% of growth expected from now until 2021.
About Odontella :
Created in 2016 in the Bordeaux region, the business utilises patents from Dr Pierre Calleja, Doctor in microalgae biotechnology, Laureat from the Pierre Poitier Award (2012) and Doyen Jean de Feytaud Award from the Academy of Sciences (2015).
“ Microalgae offer a strong potential of innovation in the food sector. ODONTELLA proposes a solution to the evolution of food practice with the exploitation of a new food source of high quality originating from marine algae and microalgae. Moreover, our business is developing a full range of flavoursome products, appealing to the whole family. Choices destined to provide alternatives to fish, seafood, and crustaceans with vegetable protein, essential amino acids and antioxidants beneficial to our health” states Director General Stephane Werbrouck.
The ODONTELLA products participate in the respect of the planet, thanks to an ecoresponsible step in the development and production of its marine food products, and thanks to the production of microalgae which captured CO2.
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